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Our books are meant to give you a better understanding of the concepts and teachings of the Bible. We work to give you better clarity of the inspired word of God. We don’t just work with people who are new to religion, we also work directly with ministers who are struggling with their studies. With our books, you can learn at your own pace or have a reliable resource as a biblical reference. Don’t miss an opportunity to go in-depth with the teachings of the Bible.
The Third day explained
We must know what has been revealed!
Our Lord Jesus spoke the words we find in the New Testament to the first-century saints. Reading these words today, we can conclude that no matter what people do, no matter how hard they try to hide their bad behaviors from others, sooner or later everything is going to come to light. Surprisingly, we can also open our spiritual eyes to see the hidden secrets contained in the Bible that God is divulging now. Jesus’s words to the saints suggest the Father has the authority to reveal such information at the right time and to the right people. Today, in the twenty-first century, it appears that the Good Lord wants to give us the ability to take notice of these things…now.
El Cumplimiento de la ley es el amor: la verdad acerca de los mandamientos de Dios
This little book intends to show believers of God that the law of love is never-ending. Although many teach that grace is different from the law, the author explains the law contains the Ten Commandments and that without them, grace has no spiritual meaning. In this volume, the author also presents some controversial themes which are relevant to today’s world.
Este pequeño libro procura hacer despertar en el creyente del Señor Jesucristo la idea de que la ley del amor nunca se termina. Aunque muchos enseñan que la Gracia es diferente de la Ley, el autor explica que la ley de Dios contiene los Diez Mandamientos, sin los cuales la Gracia no tiene valor espiritual. En este volumen el autor también expone algunos temas controversiales dentro de otros tópicos interesantes actuales.
Iglesia de Dios "El Tercer Día": Church of God "The Third Day"
Dios quiso mantener en secreto hasta ahora muchas referencias bíblicas que tienen que ver con el regreso de Jesucristo a la tierra. ¿Quiere saber cuáles son estas referencias bíblicas? ¡Lea este libro!
¡Que el mensaje esté bien escrito!
Este libro contiene ejemplos de cómo escribir en español con profesionalidad. Al concluir este estudio, el estudiante del seminario/instituto bíblico podrá hacer sus propios proyectos, y por ende, estará mejor preparado para el ministerio al que Dios le llama.